Michigan Paving is the environmental leader in all aspects of our industry.

Each year we recycle in excess of 1,000,000 tons of old asphalt pavement for reuse in asphalt mixes.
Our asphalt plants are in compliance with all applicable air and land quality requirements. We continually strive to be a responsible neighbor in all of our locations by maintaining clean and efficiently operated plants and equipment.
- FACT – Asphalt pavements require approximately 20 percent less energy to produce and construct than other pavements.
- FACT – Asphalt pavements are faster to construct and rehabilitate than other types of pavements.
- FACT – Since 1970, the asphalt industry has decreased its total emissions by 97%, while increasing production by a whopping 250%!
- FACT – According to the EPA, the asphalt industry is America’s top recycler, reusing 70 million tons of its own products annually.
- FACT – Today, the EPA considers asphalt plants to be a very minor source of industrial pollution.
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